I am very pleased that the Rt. Rev. Mark Sisk, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of New York has issued the following statement regarding the Anti-Homosexuality Laws being proposed in Uganda.
Rowan, we are still waiting.
The "Anti-Homosexuality Laws" proposed in Uganda
A Statement from The Rt. Rev. Mark S. Sisk
December 22, 2009
The Ugandan government's proposal to intensify the sanctions provided in its contemptible laws criminalizing homosexuality has rightly drawn condemnation from those who love justice and respect human dignity.
I write now, very briefly, simply to join my voice with those that have been raised in opposition to this affront. To put the matter bluntly: for a Christian, no matter how many carefully culled Bible passages might be cited, no matter how lofty the spokesperson, there are no circumstances whatsoever that justify such oppression. Such tyranny is an offense to God. Happily the Anglican Communion is clearly on record supporting this view. Among others, I make reference to the actions of several Lambeth Conferences as well as to statements from the Primates Meetings, most recently their Dromantine Communiqué of 2005.
I do understand that in some places, Uganda being one of them, homosexuality is considered either a sin or a sickness (it could not be both); never-the-less neither understanding remotely justifies these terrible laws. I urge all Christian communities in Uganda to join together with a single voice in opposition to this outrage.
Further I urge that each and all of us examine and reexamine our own lives and repent of those injustices of which we are witting and unwitting participants.
The Northern Rose Window of Notre Dame in Paris.
3 months ago
When forwarding the above, spell check got stuck on Dromantine. Alternative offered was Dramamine.
Just sayin'.
With his usual diplomatic over-caution, +Sisk makes firm statement.
Better late than never.
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